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Saturday, February 18, 2023

An Enduring Friendship: Our Scotch-Irish Williamson-Cloyd Line

Family Line Links: (WikiTree.com)(Ancestry.com)(FamilySearch.org)

The Scotch-Irish were so named because of their origination from lowlands of Scotland (and northern England), followed by their relocation to Northern Ireland (Ulster) in the 1600s for a variety of political reasons. Many of these same people then further migrated to America in the 1700s, this time primarily due religious persecution and poverty. Unlike the Irish Catholics who would come later in the 1800s, they were mostly Presbyterian, and initially settled mainly in Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Two of our Scotch-Irish lines, the Cloyd's and the Williamson's, seem to have followed this early migration pattern. Though the exact dates of their immigrations are not certain, both lines seem to have been present in Chester Co., PA. by the 1730s. In fact, in 1736, both Michael Williamson and Joseph Cloyd were living in the same neighborhood of Newtown, Chester Co., PA (now Delaware Co.)(Ref 1) and his brother David Cloyd was nearby in New Castle Co., PA (now part of DE). By 1750, another brother, John Cloyd (our direct ancestor, b. abt. 1710), had come to Chester Co., PA as well (Ref 2, Note 0). And thus began a friendship that would span many generations.

Newtown, Delaware Co, PA, approx. 12 mi west of Philadelphia

The Cloyd's, originally said to have been from the lowlands of Scotland (see Note 1), probably bore the original surname MacLeod (son of Leod), the spelling of which transitioned into MacCloyd over the centuries. When the MacCloyd's relocated to Ireland, some went by O'Cloyd for a time instead. And then, upon arriving to America, many anglicized it further by dropping the Mac/O' altogether. The family tradition of the Williamson's is that they were originally from Northumberland, in Northern England, before their temporary exodus to Ulster, Ireland.

Alas, they were not to stay for long in Pennsylvania either. The Pennsylvanian Quakers found themselves discomforted by the proud, quick-tempered, rowdy, and somewhat ungovernable Scotch-Irish. They also greatly frowned upon the Scotch-Irish tendency to claim any empty piece of land they came across and then refuse to acknowledge anyone else's pre-existing property rights. However, these same traits were well-suited to guerilla fighting with Native Americans on the wide-open, ungoverned Virginian frontier. This provided the settled colonial cities a buffer from Indian attacks while allowing the Scotch-Irish the land and freedom they desired. By the 1740's, many Scotch-Irish began to flow into this region, steadily pushing the Native Americans farther west and south as they went.

Frontiers man

Our Williamson-Cloyd lines joined with this stream of settlement in 1758. However, shortly before leaving, another Scotch-Irish line joined the mix. John Cloyd's son John Jr. (b.1740) married Margaret Scott (b. 1742) in Wilmington, New Castle Co., DE in 1758. Margaret, an orphan, had originally come to America from Belfast, Ulster, Ireland with her uncle at the age of 15 (Ref 2, p.10). When it was feared that she had acquired consumption (tuberculosis), her uncle sailed back to Ireland to dispose of the 76 acres of land she has inherited. Unfortunately, he was shipwrecked, and never heard from again. Despite this, Margaret survived, and went on to have 7 children of her own.

Old Swedes Church (now called Holy Trinity) in Wilmington, DE, where John Cloyd Jr. and Margaret Scott were married in 1758.

Following the Great Valley Road, the Cloyd's moved through the mountains of what was then Augusta Co., VA, with various branches settling between Staunton and Roanoke. John Jr. and Margaret originally settled near Staunton, in an area called Beverly's Manor, while David (see Note 2) and Joseph settled further southwest. Meanwhile, Michael Williamson continued south from Roanoke into Granville Co., NC, with his 5 sons, James (our direct ancestor, b.1740), Thomas, Joseph, Robert, and John.

Great Valley Road, used by settlers from PA and DE to reach Virginia and North Carolina by wagon starting in the mid-1700s

By 1764, Michael Williamson had purchased 247 acres of land on Rattlesnake Creek, a branch of Grassy Creek near Stovall, NC. There, he and his sons helped to establish the Grassy Creek Presbyterian Church (Ref 1, p.100). Of note, Presbyterians were generally opposed to slavery, and Rev. Henry Patillo, the Grassy Creek clergyman from 1770-1801 was a well known abolitionist. Yet, the Williamson sons had mixed beliefs on slavery themselves. Michael's son Thomas was anti-slavery (see Note 3), and went on to have son who was a participant in the Underground Railroad (Ref. 1, p. 102). John seems to have had a "pro-choice" stance, and while he did not choose to own slaves himself, he did not necessarily oppose others who did. Joseph did own slaves, but freed them upon his death, similar to many enlightened Southerners at the time, such as the likes of Thomas Jefferson. Unfortunately, our ancestor James represented the other end of this spectrum of beliefs, and he did both own and pass on slaves to his offspring (Ref. 1, p102).

Granville Co., NC

Stovall, Granville Co., NC, 7 miles SE of Rattlesnake Creek

The Williamson's remained in Granville Co. until 1773. In that year, Joseph chose to leave North Carolina, and rejoin with the Cloyd's in Virginia. Two years later, his father Michael and remaining brothers joined him. By that time, John and Margaret Cloyd seem to have relocated to what is now Dublin, Pulaski Co., VA (See Note 5), though at the time it had become a part of Fincastle Co. The Williamson's purchased land that adjoined the Cloyd farm on the Back Creek branch of the New River (Ref. 1, p.101).

Pulaski Co., Virginia (see Note 4)

Dublin, Pulaski Co., VA

Cloyd's Cemetery along Back Creek, 5 miles NW of Dublin, VA

Not long after this resettlement, the Revolutionary War commenced. Many men of the Cloyd and Williamson lines enlisted in the fight on the side of the American Patriots. In fact, many of the ideals our nation is founded on are said to be strongly influenced by Scotch-Irish values (Ref 5). In 1777, John Cloyd and James Williamson both joined the Montgomery Co., Virginia militia under John's cousin Joseph Cloyd. James Williamson's oldest son John (our direct ancestor, b.1764) had a different idea though.
Revolutionary War Soldiers on the Frontier

Perhaps he missed the North Carolina of his youth that his family had left 5 years prior. He chose to enlist with a regiment bound for the Watauga District of North Carolina (now part of east TN), and at the age of only 15, set out to cross the Appalachian mountains once more. There, at the Battle of King's Mountain, he helped to bring about a decisive victory against the British, using the guerilla style fighting tactics his family and neighbors had honed against Native Americans on the frontiers. This was an important battle for demonstrating a successful fighting technique against the British, given the limited numbers of troops the colonist had. It is considered by many to be a turning point for the Americans in the Revolutionary War, who had been losing many battles to that point.

Battle of Kings Mountain in NC (now Eastern TN)

After 3 years of service, John Williamson retuned to his homestead in Virginia, where he married the daughter of John and Margaret Cloyd in 1781, Margaret Scott Cloyd (b.1766). A few years later, Margaret Scott Cloyd's brother Ezekial completed the "sister swap" as it was called, by marrying John Williamson's sister, Rebecca Williamson. They remained near Back Creek until 1789 when they decided to join the Cumberland settlement of Sumner Co., TN (site of future Nashville). Revolutionary War veterans had been given land grants for this area, which likely factored into their decision. They are said to have carried their two small daughters, Sallie and Peggy, in baskets on each side of a pack horse. Our direct ancestor John Robert Williamson, Jr. (b. 1786) would have been with them as well, but perhaps he was carried in arms (see Note 6). Many other Williamson-Cloyd's also made the journey, including the families of John Sr. Williamson's brother Thomas, and Margaret's brother Ezekiel Cloyd, as well as her parents.

Margaret Scott Cloyd (b. 1766), wife of John Williamson, Sr.

Life on this new frontier was said to have been extremely hard due to frequent troubles with the pre-existing Chickamauga Cherokees led by Dragging Canoe. John Sr.'s younger brother George was killed in one of the many Indian raids, and he wrote in a letter that he felt the stress of the brutal event was responsible for his mother Margaret's death soon after. John and his brother Thomas entered into a saddlery business together in 1802 (Ref 6) and both John and Thomas went on to serve in both the TN militia and State Legislature. Thomas became a well respected Colonel in the militia during the War of 1812, and worked closely with Andrew Jackson, who lived only 5 miles away at The Hermitage.

Early Cumberland Settlement

In 1799, John Sr. and Margaret (Cloyd) Williamson moved their family to nearby Wilson Co., TN, where they built a home off Stoner's Lick at Clover's Bottom, near the area now called Green Hill. John Sr. was buried here at the Williamson Family Cemetery in 1829. The area is now a part of the Willoughby Station subdivision in Mt. Juliet, TN. Although the original home no longer remains, as a part of the 1988 purchasing agreement, the family cemetery is maintained by the homeowners association. Margaret's parents moved about 2 miles east and established Cloydland Farm, which still exists today (Ref 10).

The Williamson's Green Hill Farm in Nashville, Wilson Co., TN

Williamson Family Cemetery, Willoughby Station, Mt. Juliet, TN

John Sr. and Margaret (Cloyd) Williamson's son John Robert also jointed the TN militia, and served in the war of 1812. However, his main early occupation was farming, and like his father and grandfather, he also owned slaves (as many as 18 at one point). In 1807, at the age of 21, he married Sarah Tate from Nashville. Her family had come to TN from NC in about 1796. They were members of the Stoner's Creek Presbyterian church, for which his uncle Ezekiel Cloyd was the minister. They had 13 children, though sadly only 7 survived to adulthood. Two of them died within a week of each other in the late summer of 1823, presumably from illness. Our direct ancestor Sally Ann Williamson, born in the fall of 1822, was still an infant at the time, but thankfully she survived or we would not be here today.

Most of the Williamson offspring chose to remain in Wilson Co., TN for the long haul. Our direct ancestors took a different path though. In 1830, John Robert and Sarah (Tate) Williamson chose to rejoin the frontier lifestyle of the many generations before them. An aggressive campaign to remove the Native Americans from the new territory of Arkansas has started in 1818, and was mostly complete by 1826. Then in 1830, Andrew Jackson, now president, signed the Indian Removal Act. It was at this point that our Williamson line left Tennessee on a wagon train to set out for newly formed Pope county, Arkansas. Sally Ann was not quite 8 years old at this time, and it must have been quite an adventure.

Upon their arrival to Russellville, Pope County, AR, John Robert Williamson quickly became involved in both the politics and religion of the developing territory. He purchased 2000 acres of land in northern Russellville along Shiloh Creek, part of which is now Arkansas Tech. There, he helped to organize the first church of Pope county, Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian. The church grew so popular that large religious camp meetings were being regularly held by congregants on the Williamson property, in what was then referred to as the Williamson campground. In 1858 (Ref 7), the family donated this land to the church. The Shiloh Williamson Cemetery is still owned by the current church, and contains many generations of Williamson ancestors. 

Russellville, Pope, AR

Shiloh Church and Cemetery along Illinois Bayou and Shiloh Creek

John Robert Williamson was also elected to the AR state legislature starting in 1833. He served as a senator for Pope Co. until 1851, and was briefly asked to step in as acting governor for one month in 1844 (Ref 8, Ref 9). From 1851 to 1861, he retired to his plantation as a farmer. He is now buried in the Shiloh Williamson Cemetery, and although the original marker no longer stands, a new memorial marker has been placed in his honor.

John Robert Williamson (1786-1861)

(Note that while John lived in TN for most of his early life, he was actually born in VA.)

Meanwhile, John Robert and Sarah (Tate) Williamson's daughter Sally Ann (b. 1822) went on to marry Ranson Drew Alston in 1839, of the Bettis-Alston line discussed in a prior post. They resettled in Ozark, Franklin, AR and had a large family of 10 children.


0) In "Genealogy of the Cloyd, Basye, and Tapp families in America", the author list 2 different conflicting John Cloyds. The first (Immigrant #5) (p.16) is a JOHN CLOYD, d. in Chester Co., Pa., 9-9-1782. He m. Mrs. Sarah (Carver) Bartholomew prior to 3-23-1757. He left no children. This John is supposed to be the son of James Cloyd (p.15), as is his brother David (b. 1710), (p.63).
The second (Immigrant #8) (p.99): is "John Cloyd, a Scotchman, came to America from the northern part of Ireland and settled in Augusta County, Va. in 1758. He had been preceded by at least one son, Ninian, and was accompanied by a son and daughter, John and Mary. He died on or shortly before NOV. 13, 1759 and David Cloyd, was appointed administrator of the estate and also guardian of two minor children, John and Mary." This would suggest that it is this second John who was actually the son of James and the brother of David but this needs to be cleared up.

1) There is still some uncertainty about this. Although it is known that our Cloyd's came from Ulster, Ireland and were part of the transplanted Scotch-Irish, there is no direct records linking them back farther than that. Many Scotch-Irish actually came from Northern England, where the Cloyd name is also present.

2) In 1759, a year after resettling in Virginia, John Cloyd Jr.'s father John died. Although he was already married, John Jr. was not yet legally an adult (age 21), but chose his uncle David Cloyd to be his his guardian until he was of age (See Ref 4).

3) Actually, Thomas did own slaves, but he was said to have purchased them at their own request, to prevent them from being bought instead by harsher masters. He willed them to his children with instructions that they be freed.

4) States that were early colonies are always a mess when tracking county name changes. Prior to 1738, pretty much all of unexplored VA was considered part of Orange Co. Then in 1738, as further western settlement was beginning, Augusta Co. was created. Augusta Co. originally encompassed the entire Virginian Appalachian mountain range and everything westward. Over the ensuing years of settlement, Augusta Co. was split up into smaller and smaller areas, resulting in what is now called Pulaski Co. At prior times, this same area has also been called Botetourt, Fincastle, and Montgomery Co. I highly recommend the link provided above to help visualize these changes over time.

5) They did not actually obtain settlement rights for this land until 1789, but he seems to have done this mainly for the purpose of selling it shortly after. According to tax records, he was definitely living in Montgomery Co. by 1783 (a portion of which later became Pulaski Co.) rather than Augusta Co. near Staunton as he was up until selling the land in 1765. It is my assumption that 1765 was when the move to the Pulaski Co. area occurred. I believe the evidence for this probably exists in the reference Kegley, M. B. "Early Adventures on the Western Waters, Vol. II", Green Publishers, Inc. : Orange, VA, 1982, p.337, but I have yet to be able to obtain an affordable copy of this out of print book. Please email me if you ever come across it for less than $50!

6) Actually I am somewhat confused about this discrepancy. According to later census records, John Williamson Jr. states both that he was born in 1786 and that he was born in TN. The story of the two daughters in baskets also remains consistent across sources. However, I have never found a source saying the family relocated earlier than 1788, and indeed the Robertson/Donelson expeditions are not said to have arrived until Winter 1789. So either he was born later than reported (perhaps shortly after arriving?), or, my guess, he was actually born in VA after all. 


1) Williamson, J. F. "An American Pioneer Heritage: Michael Williamson and His Descendants". Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History, 1999, Vol. 13, N. 3, pp.99-105. http://www.mtgs.org/journal/default.html : 2023.

2) Doyle, A. J. "History and Genealogy of Daniel Webster Jones". Salt Lake City, UT : 1953, pp.9-11. https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/viewer/279828/?offset=#page=20&viewer=picture&o=&n=0&q= : 2023.

3) Cloyd, A. D. "Genealogy of the Cloyd, Basye, and Tapp families in America". Columbus, OH : The Champlain Press, 1912. https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/11601/images/dvm_GenMono001160-00002-0?pId=2 : 2023. 

4) Chalkley, L. "The Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: 1745 to 1800". The Commonwealth Printing Company: Augusta Co., PA, 1912. https://sites.rootsweb.com/~chalkley/volume_1/vindx_cl.htm : 2023.

5) American Heritage. "The Scotch-Irish". https://www.americanheritage.com/scotch-irish : 2023.

6) Williamson, J. F. "A Tennessee Pioneer Heritage: Colonel Thomas Williamson and his Descendants". Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History, 1999, Vol. 7, N. 3, pp.104-108. http://www.mtgs.org/journal/default.html : 2023.

7) Pope County Historical Association Quarterly, Sept 1973, page 13 (I have not yet been able to locate this source).

8) Powell, G. "The Political Career of John L. Williamson". The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Autumn, 1945), pp. 231-233. (Note, there are some inaccuracies in this article, starting with the middle initial L., which was his son's name).

9) Daniels, C. "Historical Report of the Secretary of State 2008 (Arkansas)". https://ssl-sos-site.ark.org/uploads/elections/historical_report1210.pdf : 2023.

10) Cloydland Farm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Cloyd_House : 2023.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Ramsden's of Bolton le Moors

Family Line Links: (WikiTree.com)(Ancestry.com)(FamilySearch.org)

Many Americans have a high percentage of ancestors that came to the US sometime between 1820-1920. Our family is a bit unique in that almost all of our maternal ancestors have been in America since at least the mid-1700s, and a few as far back as the early 1600s. An exception to this trend is our Ramsden family from Lancashire, England (Note 1). They are our most recent immigrants to America, finally arriving here in 1854.

England, Lancashire County shown in red

Parishes of Historic Lancashire County, UK

In 1780, a man named James Ramsden (b.1754) married Ann Lomax in St. Peter's Church of Bolton le Moors, Great Bolton, Lancashire, England. This was during the time of the Revolutionary War with America, and at the time of their marriage, his occupation was listed as Soldier. They settled in nearby Harwood and had 12 children.

St. Peters, Bolton le Moors, Lancashire, England

Originally established as a small mill town, Bolton grew larger in the 14th century when Flemish weavers settled in the area and began producing the cotton and wool textiles the region became known for. The large original parish of Bolton le Moors was split into smaller townships in 1662, one of which became Harwood. The name "le Moors" comes from the area being part of the West Pennine Moorlands - boggy, hill land that has been occupied since Neolithic times.

West Pennine Moorland, UK

The City of Harwood is now part of both the Ceremonial County of Greater Manchester, and the Historic County of Lancashire, so it is at times referred to either way. The Ramsden family does not seem to be from this area originally. James Ramsden may be from a town about 35 miles away called Wheatley, Yorkshire, England, but this link has yet to be confirmed (see Note 1). On the other hand, the Lomax family of Ann had been living in the Bolton area for several generations. Their family seems to have been involved in washing the hides of slaughtered animals in order to prepare them for the leather making process (see Note 2).

Harwood, Lancashire, England

The 8th child of James and Ann Ramsden was a son named Samuel, born in Harwood, Lancashire, England in 1798. He was baptized at St. Peter's in Bolton le Moors. In 1820, he married Alice Brunton in Colne (about 30 miles NE of Harwood), and they settled in nearby Laneshawbridge, Lancashire, England. Although Alice's family was also originally from the Bolton area, her family had moved to Laneshawbridge when she was about 8 years old, and her father worked there as a Miller.

Laneshawbridge, Lancashire, England

Old Tannery Pond, Laneshawbridge, Lancashire, England

In Laneshawbridge, Samuel (b.1798) initially worked as a Grocer, but by 1827 was dabbling in the developing cotton manufacturing industry as well. The invention of the "spinning mule" had allowed for the opening of the first cotton mill in Bolton in 1780 and the area began to grow rapidly after that time. An abundance of coal and newly dug canals to supply steam power then gave the region its final push into the industrial textile age (Ref 4). Perhaps it was this that drew the growing family to relocate to Great Bolton, Lancashire by 1835. 

Spinning Mule, invented by Samuel Crompton of Bolton, Lancashire in 1779

Chapel Alley in West Great Bolton, originally called Dukes Alley

In Great Bolton, Samuel and Alice lived on a street called Chapel Alley, within walking distance of cotton mills, tanneries, and iron foundries. Samuel Sr. worked as a butcher and a laborer, and had a large family of 13 children (2 of whom died young, and two who fraternal were twins). Our direct ancestor, Samuel Jr., was the 7th child, born in 1830. Their children attended school until age 10, at which point they took on work in the city factories. In 1841, their oldest, John, worked as a skinner, while Margaret and Robert worked as piecers (often spelled peicers) in the cotton mill, and James and Samuel worked at manual labor. 

Child Labor in a early 19th century Lancashire Cotton Mill

At some point, the family seems to have gone down on their luck, and started to involve themselves in some shady dealings. In 1840, Samuel Sr. was charged with writing a forged check on the Bank of England (Ref 1). Luckily, he was acquitted without serving any time. Four years later in 1844, his two oldest sons, John and James, were also charged with fraud, but were found not guilty (Ref 2). Then, in 1847, his son Samuel Jr., and in 1848, his son Robert, both served 6 months for Larceny (Ref 3). Things only got worse from there, for in 1850, Samuel Sr. died, leaving Alice with 6 minor children still at home.

The 1851 census shows Alice's remaining children continuing in the cotton mill industry. Robert had now graduated to Spinner, while Samuel Jr., Elizabeth, and Andrew were working as piecers. William was a pattern maker at the iron foundry, and little Henry, at only 9 years of age, was still able to attend school for one more year. John and James had already married. Margaret and Alice do not seem to have ever married, but had none the less left home.

Piecers and Scavengers of the 19th century English textile industry

Perhaps it was not a very happy household, for within the next few years, all of the children split, leaving their widowed mother to fend for herself (though many later grandchildren were named for her). Robert and Elizabeth married in 1851 and 1852 and moved to nearby cities. James and Samuel Jr. left for America in 1852 (Ref 5), followed by Andrew in 1855. George married in 1855 and William in 1859, and both moved to Little Bolton. Henry, who was still a minor in 1861, seems to have moved in with his brother William and his wife Nancy none the less. Alice, meanwhile, was living on her own as a lodger on Crook St, about a half mile south of Chapel Alley, where she works as a provisions shopkeeper. She was still living alone and working in this area 10 years later in 1871, until dying at the age of 69 in 1873.

King Street in Great Bolton (two blocks west of Chapel Alley), early 1800s 

Samuel Jr. and his older brother left England for New York in 1852. James seems to have initially stayed in New York, where he fought in the civil war, before immigrating to IL many years later. Samuel is said to have taken a ship to New Orleans and then further up the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers to settle in Van Buren, Crawford Co., Ark. It is unknown why he chose this region, however, in the 1850s Arkansas was on the frontier of the expanding west. The area was experiencing an economic boom due to the transformation of subsistence farming into slave based cotton plantation agriculture (Ref 6). Steam boats were in use and new railroads were being built, allowing farmers better access national markets for their crops and goods. Perhaps, Samuel Jr. wanted to take advantage of the cheap land and try his hand at growing, rather than manufacturing, cotton for once.

Van Buren, Crawford Co, Ark.

Early advertisement for encouraging settlement in Arkansas

Or, perhaps not. A tax assessment in 1867 list his occupation as retail liquor dealer, while the 1870 census states he was an engineer (likely for the railroad). Efforts towards curbing alcohol consumption ramped up during the civil war period and moonshining became a lucrative side-business in dry counties like Crawford (Ref 7). Regardless, by 1856 he had met a woman named Catherine Emelie Winkler and they married.

Catherine Winkler, born 1835

Samuel Ramsden, Jr., born 1830

Catherine's father George Winkler was a farmer by occupation, and although originally from Germany, he had been living in the US since the early 1800s. His wife, Marie Oberteuffer, also an immigrant, was from Switzerland. His daughter Catherine was born in Ohio in 1835, but the family moved to Van Buren, AR about the same time as Samuel. Samuel and Catherine had 4 children - 3 girls, 1 boy, though their youngest daughter died as a toddler. Their third child, Henry Samuel Ramsden, born 1867, was our direct ancestor.

Van Buren, AR, 1888

The civil war of the 1860s brought hard times to Arkansas, wiping out much of the slave-based economic wealth the state had enjoyed in the 1850s (Ref 8). For this reason, it was on the side of the Confederates, and in 1861, it seceded from the Union. By May 1862, Union troops were marching across the state, destroying plantations and freeing slaves as they went. The capitol at Little Rock was captured, and for a time the government of Arkansas basically ceased to function, greatly increasing lawlessness throughout the state. Although the war ended in 1865, it was not until about 1870 that order began to re-established itself.

Battle of Pea Ridge in Arkansas, 1862

Samuel Jr. died only a few years later in 1876, at the young age of 46 (Note 3). Thankfully, Catherine's family was nearby to help her with her three children. Catherine's sister Carolyn was married to a man named John F. Bushmaier, who seems to have been relatively well off. In 1880, Carolyn died, and a year and a half later, Catherine and John were married. 

Headstones for Samuel and Catherine at the Bushmaier Cemetery in Kibler, Crawford, AR (Note 3)

Our great, great grandfather Henry Samuel Ramsden (b. 1867) went on to marry Sadie Jane in 1898. She was of the Quesenbury line that I have written on previously. Sadie was from a town called Mulberry, AR, about 20 miles downriver from Van Buren, and that is where they settled. They had two children, and Henry was a respected member of the town, serving for a short time as its Mayor, as well as a newspaper editor and furniture packer dealer. Like many in his fathers line though, Henry also died young, at the age of only 40.

Newspaper notices for Henry Samuel Ramsden and Sadie Jane Quesenbury


1) It is likely the Ramsden's were from Yorkshire before that, as this is where the surname originates. Possibly from a town called Ilkley, though I am not yet able to prove this.
2) The baptism records for many sons of the Lomax family lists the occupation of the fathers as what seems to be Whitear, which is the name for a hide cleaner in old English.
3) Samuel's gravestone lists his birthdate as 1834 rather than 1830 and the 1870 census lists his estimated birth year as 1835. To add the the confusion, there is another Samuel Ramsden from Great Bolton, England who was born in 1833-1834 and seems to have immigrated to the US around 1854. This Samuel Ramsden seems to have settled in Cherokee Co., IA. How do we know we are following the right Samuel??
The answer comes mainly from a missing persons notice placed by Samuel's brother Andrew in 1857. In this notice (Ref 9), Andrew, (having arrived in the US himself about 2 years prior and settled in Mass.), states that the family has not heard from his brother Samuel in about 3 years, but that he is from Lancashire, England and was last known to have settled in Van Buren, Crawford, AR. This seems to point clearly to our Samuel.
It is not known why Samuel chose to stop writing his family, nor why he seem to have started going by a younger age after arriving in Arkansas. Perhaps, a part of him was just wanting to leave the past behind and start over with a clean slate. Likely the brothers reconnected at some point. Family lore is that the mother Alice wrote to Samuel often in later years, updating him on all the family's doings, but that these letters were thrown out when he died.


1) England & Wales, Criminal Registers, 1791-1892, Class: HO 27; Piece: 61; Page: 89
2) England & Wales, Criminal Registers, 1791-1892, Class: HO 27; Piece: 73; Page: 86
3) England & Wales, Criminal Registers, 1791-1892, Class: HO 27; Piece: 82; Page: 175
5) "New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1891", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:275S-PZ7 : 11 August 2022), Samuel Ramsden, 1852.
7) "The Long Road to Prohibition in Arkansas". https://onlyinark.com/featured/the-long-road-to-prohibition-in-arkansas/
8) Encyclopedia of Arkansas. Civil War through Reconstruction, 1861-1874. https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/civil-war-through-reconstruction-1861-through-1874-388/
9) Searching for Missing Friends: Irish Immigrant Advertisements Placed in “The Boston Pilot," 1831-1920. Published 21 Mar 1857.